tirsdag 7. september 2010

BEST IN SHOW 4 at the Norwegian Sighthound Specialty 05.09.10

Bani-Bangou was BOB and BIS-4 at NMK show in Lier, Judge was Karin Hedberg, Sweden.
""2 years old feminin type. Very elegant head, excellent expression. Correct set of neck.

Good proportions, Deep chest, strong topline. Moves stylish and typical from all angles.
Typical temperament for the breed, but can be touched ."

2 x BOB and Norwegian Winner-10 at Oslo Double

Frans Gerritsen, NL:
"2 years nice bitch. Sc.bite. Nice feminine head, dark eyes, nice flat ears. Good topline and underline, and tuckup. Well angulated, flat muscles, good front and chest. Correct white markings.Moving nice, paralell and smooth with long strides."

Oliveira Rui,Portugal:
Good head, beautiful shape, excellent topline, good neck, excellent movement. Good corpus."

This beautiful photo was taken by Sanna Södergren
at NKK Oslo Double